YouVersion Plans

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21 Days of Celebration

Take a journey through God's word and see transformation in your life as you exercise the muscles of celebration. Much is made about the need for a reason to celebrate.

Berry Burst: A Refreshed Soul

Without a doubt every single person needs refreshing from time to time - but what if this wasn’t meant as a sporadic occurrence but a state of being? The Psalms are a leading light toward this and within the picture of Christ’s finished work we can discover the beauty of living with a refreshed soul, daily!


In Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he summarizes the Gospel story and its implications and application for our lives.

Faith That Reaches the Lost

The Church is on mission. We have a mandate to impact our world. God's power flows through us to address the spiritual Lostness of our cities - through FAITH!

Faith. Love. Hope.

The Church is on mission. We have a mandate to impact our world. God's power flows through us to address the spiritual Lostness, Social Pain and Systemic Brokenness of our cities - through FAITH, LOVE and HOPE.

Follow: Life-Giving Habits

In the person of Jesus, God calls all people not to simply know about Him, but to follow Him with all that we are. Following Jesus daily is more like a habit than it is a moment. Habits are things we do often and regularly, without consciously thinking we have to do them. This 40-day plan will explore life-giving habits to establish us in the new life that Jesus gives.

Fully Devoted

The great commandment is for me to love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as myself. What does that look like in my daily life? Set out the time and the place – and embark on this “Devoted” journey with us.

Grow: First Steps with Jesus

Are you a new believer? Are you looking for a plan to take you through the Basics of the Christian Faith? This 20-day Bible Plan from Doxa Deo will do just that! This plan was borne out of a heart for people who are starting out with their first steps in a relationship with Jesus. Based on the book & video course of the same name.

Honeycomb Crunch: A Sweeter Word

God’s Word has power, authority and a sweetness to it that calls out for “more”. Take these 6- days in the word, enjoying moments of reflection from the Psalms and scriptures, answering questions and challenges that call to reset the sweetness of his message and truth in your life.

Hope That Restores What's Broken

The Church is on mission. We have a mandate to impact our world. God's power flows through us to address the Systemic Brokenness of our cities - through HOPE.


Join us as we journey through the book of James.  James provides us with guidelines for living our lives  as faith-filled followers of Christ.   He emphasises a faith that works.  Genuine faith should produce fruit of good works and mature faith means living what you say you believe.  Discover how your faith can work.

Love is …

This 8-day plan by Doxa Deo is intended for married couples to journey together around how to love those we are in relationships with by meaningfully caring for them, being dedicated to them and by desiring for our spouses, friends and other significant others to reach their full potential in Christ. Each day contains a discussion point for couples and a prayer over your relationships.

Love That Heals the Pain

The Church is on a mission. We have a mandate to impact our world. God's power flows through us to address the Social Pain of our cities - through LOVE.

Made Whole #1 - Challenges of Everyday Living

Have you ever felt that what you’re experiencing is not the fullness that God desired for you? Many people do. The good news is that Jesus has come to give much more than this! Let this be your first move towards living from the wholeness he gives.

Made Whole #2 - When the Devil Wants to Destroy

Superstition and inaccurate perceptions of power often lead people to believing that what the enemy has is greater than the authority given to us in Jesus Christ. It’s time to stop living lies. Instead, move into freedom and wholeness by surrendering to the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

Made Whole #3 - Undisciplined Lives

Discipline is a struggle and not a comforting word to hear. Have you ever considered that habit, thought process, or addiction as a gateway to an undisciplined life? Begin to experience the freedom in Christ from unhelpful patterns by starting this six-day reading plan.

Made Whole #4 - Physical Diseases

Every person shares the experiences of physical diseases, challenges, and illnesses—sometimes affected directly or indirectly through a loved one. The message of Christ is a message of provision. We trust this six-day devotional opens your eyes to the realities of God’s healing and comfort in your life.

Made Whole #5 - Dysfunctional Backgrounds

Have you ever stopped and thought about the significance of your story? This Doxa Deo six-day plan brings the words of the Bible into the whole of life and challenges our notion to maintain control over our past. This short study will take you towards freedom and wholeness.

Made Whole #6 - Driven Lifestyle

This six-day devotional provides an alternate approach to the drive of 21st century living. Begin to address this critical challenge which often prohibits focus on God’s timing and desire for living life with six-days-straight in the word and in reflection.

Mint Chip: A Rested Body

Do you feel tired? Do you need rest? That may just be exactly what you need! Whether you are looking for a reset of your thoughts on the subject of rest so that you stop feeling guilty for taking it, or, you need the begin prioritising it before something breaks, this 6-day reading plan will begin to take you to those steps of experiencing rest at its purest.

New Life

If you are a new believer and new follower of Christ - this plan is for you. There is a quality of life that God wants us to enjoy, but it’s a quality of life we only really get to know when we get to know Him. Welcome to your new life!

One Heart

What if the Church could stand as one, having ONE HEART for God, His people, the lost and for discipling those new to the faith? Join us as we consider reflecting God’s heart for our city.

Prayer Basics

This is a seven-day Prayer Basics plan based on the Alpha prayer course by Nicky Gumbel and Pete Greig. It is the start of an adventure that will help you grow and deepen your prayer life. It’s an easy and practical journey to understand the power and beauty caught up in the Lord’s prayer, and can even be used as the baseline for a week of fasting.


If you are a new believer and new follower of Christ - this plan is for you. There is a quality of life that God wants us to enjoy, but it’s a quality of life we only really get to know when we get to know Him. Welcome to your new life!


Die Ring. 'n 6-Dag Leesplan Vir Huweliksmaats

Op ‘n egpaar se huweliksdag sê hulle “Ja”, beloof trou aan mekaar en is ringe uitgeruil as ‘n simbool van hierdie nuwe eenheid. Hierdie 6-dag Bybelplan gebruik die metafoor van die ring om sekere aspekte van die huwelik uit te lig. Elke dag is geskryf deur 'n ander huwelikspaar wat self in hierdie ring van liefde leef.

Groei: Eerste treë saam met Jesus

Is jy 'n nuwe Christen? Ons glo dat ‘n verhouding met God die hoof tema van al God se interaksies met die mensdom is. Hierdie is ‘n 20-dae ontdekkingsreis waarop ons jou wil neem. En dit kom uit ons passie vir mense wat die eerste treë neem, in hulle verhouding met Jesus. Hierdie leesplan is gebaseer op ons kursus en boek met dieselfde naam.

Nuwe Lewe

Daar is 'n kwaliteitslewe wat vir ons beskikbaar is wanneer ons die Here werklik leer ken. As jy die basis van jou nuwe lewe wil verstaan, is hierdie leesplan vir jou bedoel.

Ten volle toegewyd

Toewyding aan die Here begin met die verstaan dat ons God heelhartig moet liefhê: met ons hele hart, siel, verstand en krag. Hoe lyk dit in my daaglikse lewe? Maak tyd en kry 'n stil plek - en kom saam met ons op hierdie toewydingsreis.

Vrug: 'n Onvergeetlike lewe

Die Vrug van die Gees is ‘n studie wat ons begelei na ‘n ontdekking van God se karakter en hoe dit in ons lewens realiseer. Dit is eerstens die studie van Jesus se karakter. Dit is deur die Heilige Gees wat hierdie vrugte in ons wil groei tot dit ons mees natuurlike manier van lewe word. Hierdie ontdekkingsreis gaan jou begelei om ten volle in jou ware identiteit te leef.

Nuwe Lewe

Daar is 'n kwaliteitslewe wat vir ons beskikbaar is wanneer ons die Here werklik leer ken. As jy die basis van jou nuwe lewe wil verstaan, is hierdie leesplan vir jou bedoel.



In seinem Brief an die Epheser fasst Paulus die Gute Nachricht zusammen. Er erklärt, welche Konsequenzen sie für unser Leben hat und wie wir sie konkret umsetzen.

Healthy Habits

Wer möchte das nicht - gute Gewohnheiten entwickeln? Wir denken an Sport, gesunde Ernährung, ausreichend Ruhe, Freunde treffen, usw. Als Jesusnachfolger wünschen wir uns, dass Fasten, Bibellesen und Gebet auch zu guten Gewohnheiten werden. Nicht weil wir müssen, sondern weil wir erkannt haben, wie sie unser Leben nachhaltig prägen und positiv verändern. Bist du bereit, den nächsten Schritt zu gehen?

Jakobus - Sichtbarer Glaube

Komm mit uns auf eine Reise durch den Brief des Jakobus. Jakobus zeigt uns Leitlinien für unser Leben als Nachfolger Jesu, die von Gottes Geist erfüllt sind. Er betont einen Glauben, der tätig ist. Wahrer Glaube soll Früchte bringen in Form von guten Werken und reifem Glauben, also dass das, was wir sagen, was wir glauben, sich auch in unserem Leben widerspiegelt. Entdecke wie dein Glaube aktiv wird.

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