
for New Believers

You responded to Christ’s invitation to a new relationship and a new life. Pray this prayer for the first couple of days of your journey with God and also go to for a journal that will guide you as you build a relationship with God.

(John 3:16)

Lord, I realise now that you are real.  Thank you that I can know and experience you.  Thank you that I am so precious to you, that you gave your Son to die for me.  I realise today that I tried to be in control of my own life.  I don’t want to do this anymore.

(Romans 10:9-10)

Lord, I believe now that Jesus Christ is the owner of everything.  I accept, from today, the new life that You gave me. I believe that you have forgiven me and that your grace has restored everything between you and me. 

(John 1:12)

This is why I can confess now that I am a child of God, just as you promised I would be.  I belong to you now, and you to me.  I declare that from now on, I am dependent on your Holy Spirit’s guidance.  Thank you that I can forever live in you and that you live forever in me!

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